
AD Small update here: I have changed the whole Main menu design, to be more compact and user friendly. It has now 5 pages in one Window, Main Page with Flight information and Aircraft status - Outside Check - Inspection - Maintenance - Configuration. Only this gauge has over 13000 lines of codes! Items done: - Wear and Damage simulation for Engine (Jet,Turboprop und Piston engines) - Wear and Damage simulation for Flight control surfaces (Aileron, elevator, rudder, flaps,              speedbrakes) - Wear and damage simulation for Landing gear, brakes and tires. - Wear and damage simulation for pitot and vacuum system.  Items to be done: - Engine Oil system for Piston Engines - Virtual Cockpit Vibration and sound effects (Engine, ground roll, landing gear, flaps, speedbrakes, G-force effect, stall, overspeed, turbulence...) - Main menu some screens of Main window pages: Main Page Outside check page ...
Uploaded a short video of the FSX Aircraft Inspection on IRIS F-22 Raptor, performing  "Flight Controls Test".
Before i go sleep, here are some more recent screens... Default C172   Default C172  FSX Douglas C-47 V2 by Manfred Jahn and team  Default Piper Cub
Testing the Just Flight DC6 in FSX Aircraft Inspection so far so good:)
The FSX Aircraft Inspection Project work continues... here are the latest images. (except for a few little things, the main menu will look like this.)  pictures of two other panels (configuration and Landing info panel) comes later.
Two images...
Some WIP Screenshots of the FSX Aircraft Inspection Mod (old name: Damage Mod) on several Aircraft Models. (Sorry, no release date yet) The Carenado C208B Super Cargomaster with  FSX Aircraft Inspection Mod Some scenes from Flight Controls Test FSX Douglas DC-4 by Jens B. Kristensen  Default Piper J-3 Cub