Uploaded a short video of the FSX Aircraft Inspection on IRIS F-22 Raptor, performing "Flight Controls Test".
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Some WIP Screenshots of the FSX Aircraft Inspection Mod (old name: Damage Mod) on several Aircraft Models. (Sorry, no release date yet) The Carenado C208B Super Cargomaster with FSX Aircraft Inspection Mod Some scenes from Flight Controls Test FSX Douglas DC-4 by Jens B. Kristensen Default Piper J-3 Cub
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In recent times I have received many emails that I upgrade the damage mod to different aircraft models. I decided instead to program each individual aircraft, I develop a single mod for all aircraft! It will work almost for All Type of Aircrafts! It still needs a lot of XML-coding....! But in the end, a very nice tool with lots of nice effects comes to your FSX Hangar! Please ignore the Propeller and EngineOil check for the B747, it will be removed for the jet engine Aircrafts in final version!